George W. SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Monterey County: Bk. A, p. 337
SEELY, Geo W., Male, White, Married
Father: Norman SEELY, b. Iowa
Mother: Don’t know, b. don't know
DOD: 2 March 1916; 7pm
POD: Aromas, near Watsonville
DOB: 1 Jan 1847, born Iowa
Age: 79y, 2m, 1d
Occupation: Farmer
Birth Place: Iowa
Length of Stay: at Place of Death: 22 years; in CA: 46 years
Informant: Mrs. Ida COLLINS, Watsonville
Cause of Death: Bronchial pneumonia following chronic bronchitis of many standing with involvement of the right side of the heart
Sig: J.N. BUCHLER, MD; Aromas, CA
Place of Burial or Removal: San Jose
Funeral Director: Aston A. NEAL, Watsonville
Note: See Edwin E. SEELY - son, Bertha Reid Seely - daughter in law, Virginia Reid Seely and Donald R. Seely grandchildren

There is reason to believe that the year of birth on the death certificate is not correct - believe that the correct year is 1837.