Edwin E. SEELY
(Death Certificate Transcription)
Santa Cruz County
Edwin E. SEELEY, Male, White
Married: Bertha R. Seeley
Father: George W. Seeley Birthplace: Blank
Mother: Margaret Southern Birthplace: Blank
Date of Death: 17 September 1950 3:45 p.m.
Place of Death: Watsonville Hospital, Prospect & Monte Vista
Residence: Route 1, Box 69, Aromas, Rural Santa Cruz, CA
Age: 71
Date of Birth: 13 July 1879 Birthplace: Winters, California
Occupation: Farmer
Military: No
Informant: Bertha R. Seeley
Cause of Death: General Hypostatic Pneumonia - 2 days
Aplastic Anemia - 2 years
Burial 9/20/1950 Oak Hill Cemetery, San Jose, CA
Note: See George W. Seely - father, Bertha Reid Seely - wife, Virginia Reid Seely - daughter, Donald R. Seely - son