Edwin E. Seely

(Obituary Transcription)
Edwin Seeley, Prominent Aromas Resident Dies

Edwin E. Seeley, 71, pioneer in the berry and fruit industry of Monterey county and a resident of Aromas, died Sunday at the Watsonville hospital after an illness of a few weeks.

A native of Winters, Calif., he had been a resident of the Aromas area for 60 years. He was a past director of the California Prune and Apricot association, in which he had taken an active part, and a past director of the Soil Conservation association of Monterey county. He belonged to the Red Men and Native Sons lodges of Watsonville and the Aromas grange.

Surving are his widow, Bertha Seeley of the family home, route 1, box 69, Aromas, a daughter, Virginia, and a son Donald, of the family home, and another son Edwin E. Seeley, Jr. of Sacramento; a sister, Mrs. Jessie B. Axelson, Los Angeles; and a grandson Michael Edwin Seeley of Sacramento; and a niece and three nephews.

Funeral services are to be held at White's mortuary Wednesday at 9:40 a.m. and graveside services will be held at Oakhill cemetery, San Jose. Watsonville Register, September 18, 1950

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