Salena SEELY
(Obituary Transcriptions)
In San Jose, November 20, 1894, Selina Seely, a native of Virginia, aged 63 years, 3 months and twenty days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the family residence, 257 North Second Street, at 2 p.m. TODAY (Wednesday), November 21, 1894. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery.
San Jose Daily Mercury, Wednesday morning, November 21, 1894
The Remains of Mrs. Selina Seely were interred in Oak Hill Cemetery this afternoon. The funeral took place from the family residence, 257 North Second street.
The Evening News (San Jose), Page 4, November 21, 1894
Died - At San Jose recently, Mrs. Salina SEELEY, wife of C. R. Seeley, who in 1864 lived on the J. C. W. Ingram place near Lakeport. She left 8 children. From Lake County they moved to Stanislaus County.
Middletown Independent, Jan. 26, 1895