Delbert M. SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Tuolumne County
Delbert Milo Seely
Dod: March 4, 1932 10:05pm
Place of Death: Jamestown, Tuolumne County, CA
Dob: 21 February 1881 born Modesto, California
Age: 51 years 12 days
Married - Mae Ann Seely
Father: Martin V. Seely born Iowa
Mother: Sarah Mahoney born California
Occupation: Gas Station Prop. Self Employed
Time in this Occupation: 3 years
Length of Residence in city, town or rural district of death: 3 years
Length of Residence in California: Life
Informant: Della Mae Sauders, Daughter, Jamestown, Calif.
Burial: 3/7/1932 City Cemetery, Jamestown California
Cause of Death: Chronic Myocarditis - 3 years
Other contributory causes of importance: Asthma - 30 years