Elmer J. SEELY(Obituary Transcription) Mrs. Warfield’s Brother Dies E.J. Seely, owner of an ice cream cone factory at Oakland, Cal., formerly manager and owner of the Albany Creamery, and a brother of Mrs. S.N. Warfield of this city, died yesterday at his California home, according to a telegram received by the relatives this morning. No particulars of his death were given and it is believed that the demise was very sudden. Neither did the telegram contain any announcement regarding the funeral, tho it is probable the body may be brought to Oregon as Mr. Seely’s parents were both pioneers of Benton county and their remains are interred in the Alsea valley. Mr. Seely was aged about 50 years and when a young man resided in Alsea. He is survived by a widow, several sisters and other relatives Published in the Weekly Gazette Times (Corvallis, Oregon) on July 19, 1917
E.J. Seely, well-known former resident of Portland, Albany and Springfield, died at his home in Oakland, Cal., Monday. He is survived by his widow and two daughters and a brother, Curtis Seely, of Oakland: Charles, Harry and Gusta, of Alsea, Or.; Mrs. S. N. Warfield, of Corvallis, and Mrs. O.F. Neal and Mrs. C.V. Oglesby, of Portland, brothers and sisters. Mr. Seely, in 1896, was married to Miss Stean Freerksen, of Albany, going there from Springfield. He operated a creamery at Albany for several years. He came to Portland in 1909 and moved to Oakland in 1914. He was a member of several fraternal organizations, including the Masons, Elks and Oddfellows, and was a pioneer creamery operator of Oregon. Published in the Oregonian, (Portland, Oregon) July 20, 1917, page 7 [Grandson of SGS # 2328 - Elmer Josiah; William; Anthony Stewart (# 2328); Guy (# 835); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert] | ||