George Albert SEELY

(Obituary Transcription)

George A. Seeley, retired, died today at an advanced age at his home, 230 Washington street. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock at the chapel of the San Jose Undertaking company.
The Evening News (San Jose, CA), Page 8, June 18, 1915

Seely Funeral Held. – The funeral of George A. Seely was held yesterday afternoon at the chapel of the San Jose Undertaking company. The decedent was born in Yuba County in 1854. He had been in failing health for some time before his death. He leaves a wife, Maggie Seely; a twin sister, Mrs. Mary Lamb of Gilroy; a brother, William, living in the southern part of the state; and the following children; George A., Jr., William H., and Edward E. Seely, and Mrs. M. Silveira.
San Jose Mercury Herald, Page 7, June 20, 1915

GILROY – Special to the San Jose Mercury Herald. –
George Seely Passes Away in San Jose
George Seely, who passed away in San Jose on Friday, June, 17, was a former resident of this city and a brother of Marion F. Lamb and uncle of Oscar Lamb, both residents of Gilroy. While here he was an industrious citizen, a good neighbor and a kind and indulgent parent. It is not long since he was a visitor in this city and while here met many of his former friends and neighbors, whose hearts are filed with sorrow to learn of his death. His sister, Mrs. Lamb, has been with him and assisted in taking care of him during the last week. Funeral services were held Saturday at San Jose and the body laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery.
San Jose Mercury Herald, page 10, June 25, 1915