(Obituary Transcription)
Funeral Held for Mrs. Mary Seeley
BERKELEY. Jan. 14. – Funeral services for Mary Rose Seeley, 57, blind clubwoman, prominent in relief work for the blind, were held this afternoon at the Chapel of the Chimes, Oakland. Mrs. Seeley died suddenly Monday night at her temporary home at 154 Mountain boulevard, Piedmont.
She had been a Berkeley resident for many years and was a member of the Twentieth Century club and a life member of the Etude club. She was a native of Roseville, Penn.
Mrs. Seeley is survived by her husband, Ralp; (sic) three sons, Ralph Jr., varsity football player at the University of California, William M., and Robert Seely, and a grandson, William M. Seeley Jr.
Oakland Tribune, Wednesday Evening, January 14, 1931, Page 6
(Seeley/Seely – as printed)