Mabel Agnes SEELY

(Death Certificate Transcription)
Vol 22, Pag 98, Sonoma County
Mabel Agnes SEELY
Spouse: Charles Seely (constable)
Father: Unk Gulbertson born Norway
Mother: Agnes Unk born Unk
DOD: November 6, 1959 @ 3:50pm
Age: 64
DOB: April 15, 1895
Occupation: House wife
Place of Death: Sonoma Co. Hospital
Last Residence: Willow Creek, Humboldt County, CA
Informant: Valeria Wiles, 1695 Gloria Dr., Santa Rosa, CA
Cause of Death: Cardiopulmonary Arrest, generalized arterioschlerosis
Funeral Home: Welti Chapel of the Roses
Cremation on 11/09/1959