John Franklin SEELYE

(Death Certificate Transcription)
John Franklin SEELYE Male/White
Married - Cora Seelye
Father: Dustin F. Seelye born Nova Scotia
Mother: Georgiana Lyman born Nova Scotia
DOD: 5 November 1928
DOB: 14 August 1864 born Littlefalls, Minn
Residence: 1595 -3rd Palo Alto
Occupation: Millman
Stay in Santa Clara County: 20 years; Stay in California: 60 years
Cause of Death: Carcinoma of Stomach
Funeral Director: Geo. W. Tinney & Sons, Palo Alto
Buried: 11/07/1928 Felton, CA

(Obituary Transcription)

John Franklin Seelye, 1595 Third street, Mayfield, for 10 years a resident of this community died yesterday afternoon after an illness of six months.

The deceased was in the employ of the Dudfield Lumber Company. He was a native of Minnesota, and aged 64 years.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Cora Seelye; two sons, Raymond K. Seelye, Palo Alto, and Hugh Seelye, Mayfield; and two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Gertrude Ordway, Newman, and Mrs. Lila Frost Mullen, San Francisco.

Funeral services will be held at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning at the Tinney Funeral Home. The body will be taken to Felton for burial.

The Palo Alto Times, November 6, 1928

[Grandson of SGS #2307 - John Franklin; Farnum Dustin; Henry (#2307); Stuart R. (#833); Justus William; Joseph; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel, Robert]