Fred Ellsworth SEELEY

Oddfellows To Hold Rites Saturday For Fred Seeley

Fred Ellsworth Seeley, 68, passed away at his residence here Tuesday after a brief illness. Mr. Seeley had lived in McMinnville for about nine years, and had been employed on both local newspapers. Last summer he established the Rockaway Beach News, at Rockaway, but abandoned the newspaper project at the end of the summer season. He was born in Illinois, and spent all his life there, except the last nine years in McMinnville.

Besides his widow, Mr. Seeley is survived by two sons, LeRoy and Willis Seeley; two daughters, Mrs. Madeline Johnson and Mrs. Rosa Jones, and a granddaughter, Patricia Jones, all of McMinnville; a brother LeRoy Seeley of Nebraska; and a sister, Mrs. Lola Hauge of Florida.

Funeral services will be held from the Ladd Funeral home Saturday morning at 11 o’clock, and will be in charge of Occidental Lodge No. 30, I.O.O.F., of which Mr. Seeley was a member. Commitment services will be at Rose City cemetery at Portland, Saturday afternoon.

Published in the Telephone Register (McMinnville, Oregon) Thursday, March 20, 1930


Was Prominent in Odd Fellows Circle and 68 Years of Age

Fred Seeley, printer and newspaperman, passed away at his home late Tuesday afternoon, March 18, at the age of 68 years, after having been ill since last August. Mr. Seely was publisher of the Wheeler, Ore., Reporter, and later of the paper at Rockaway beach. The greater portion of his life was devoted to the printing business.

He was active and prominent in various branches of the I.O.O.F.

Mr. Seely is survived by his wife, two sons, Leroy and Willis, and two daughters Mrs. Rona Jones and Mrs. Madeline Johnson, also a granddaughter, Patricia Jones, and a sister, Mrs. Lola Houge, residing in Florida, and a brother, Leroy Seely living in Nebraska.

Mr. Seely was born in Illinois and has lived in McMinnville nine years. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge, Occidental, No. 30, Rebekah lodge of this city, Schaeffer encampment, Canton, Portland No. 1., P.M.

The funeral will be held Saturday March 22, at the Ladd Funeral Home at 11 o’clock, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows. Interment will be in the Rose City cemetery, Portland.

Odd Fellows are requested to meet at their hall at 10:30 to attend the obsequies.

Published in The News-Reporter (McMinnville, Oregon) Thursday, March 20, 1930

Seeley/Seely and Hauge/Houge as printed

Seeley Genealogical Society