Roy Seely

Roy L. Seely, a longtime resident of Scappose, died Dec. 17 in Forest Grove. He was 93.

Born on April 8, 1890, in Wilcox, Mo., Mr. Seely moved to Scappose 47 years ago. During the Second World War, he served as the only member of Scappoose’s police force and was commissioner of the town’s water department. He also worked for several years at the Steinfeld Products plant.

Surviving are daughters: Eva Horning of Hillsboro and Dorothea Young of Lake Tahoe, Calif.; brother Vern Seely of Escondido, Calif.; sister: Hazel Meeker, also of California; 12 grandchildren; 20 great-great grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.

Services were held Tuesday at Columbia Funeral Home with burial in Bethany Memorial Cemetery, Warren.

Published in The Chronicle (St. Helens, Oregon), Thursday, December 22, 1983, page 20

Seeley Genealogical Society