Harry Beecher SEELY

Harry B. Seely Dies in Arlington

Funeral services were held in Arlington Monday afternoon for Harry B. Seely, who died suddenly with a heart attack at his home Friday afternoon. Interment was in the Arlington cemetery.

A resident of Arlington since 1925, Mr. Seely was janitor of the school for 10 years and at the time of his passing was employed at the Cash Market. Prior to coming to Arlington he had been in the dairy and wheat farming businesses.

Harry Beecher Seely was born July 15, 1884, at Wilsonville, Oregon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seely, being 66 year of age at death. He was united in marriage April 8, 1903, to Velma Farmer, and to this union seven children were born, six of whom survive their father. The family lived a Monator for seven years, then to Corvallis for 10 years, and later to Dayton, Washington. While in the valley they were in the dairy business but took wheat farming at Dayton. From there they moved to a wheat ranch at Ione for three years, moving then to Arlington.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Frances Seely;(as printed) four daughters, Mrs. Harriet Cooper of Oakville, Wash; Mrs. Don Melin of North Powder; Mrs. James Farly of Arlington; and Mrs. Harold Haworth of Weston; two sons, Kenneth of Portland and Stanley of Spray. One daughter died at the age of 22 years. Also surviving are 17 grandchildren; 7 great grand children; four sisters and five brothers Perry Seely of Jervais; Roy of Portland, Lee of Molalla, Percy and Dennis of Woodburn; Mrs. Ruth Akers of Dayton, Wash; Mrs. Edna Stinger of Mt. Angel; Mrs. Ethel Dunnigan of California; and Mrs. Edith Lutz of Molalla.

The Rev. Arthur Twist officiated at the funeral services. Mrs. Marion Weatherford was soloist. Pallbearers were William Marshall, Roy Hurst, W.E. Eubanks, Ralph Phillips, Art Fletcher and Floyd Browning.

Mr. Seely took seriously ill about midnight Wednesday night and was in critical condition until his passing Friday afternoon at 1:40 o’clock.

Published in the Condon Globe-Times (Condon, Oregon), Friday, August 18, 1950

[Great Grandson of Bishop SGS # 3052 – Harry Beecher; Edwin Ruthvin; Lucius Alexander; Bishop (#3052); Stephen Bishop (#1323); John; John S; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]

Seeley Genealogical Society