Henry Seelye, 74, well known resident of the Berlin district, died at his home in that community Wednesday. Funeral services were conducted at 2 o’clock from the Harry C. Howe chapel Friday afternoon. Burial was at the Powell cemetery in his home district.

He was born in Minnesota, Dec. 25, 1865, the son of Thomas R. Seeley. In Cresco, Ia. he was married in 1896. For a year after coming west they resided at Salem and then moved to the farm at Berlin, where the remaining 35 years of his life was spent.

He is survived by the widow, Agnes; four daughters, Vera Alderson, Portland, Gladys Fitzwater, Lebanon, Margaret Best, Lebanon, and Myrtle Moritz of Lebanon; one son, Harry Seelye, Lebanon; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Three sisters also are left: Mrs. Helen German, Charles City, Ia., Mrs. Gertrude Weigel, Lacosse, Wis., and Mrs. Ethel Barns, Preston, Minn.

Published in the Lebanon Express (Lebanon, Oregon) Thursday, November 28, 1940

[Grandson of SGS #2486 - Henry; Thomas Robert; Schubel/Shuble (#2486); Justus (#914); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert]

Seeley Genealogical Society