Seth Seelye, of Scholls, died at the family home, Saturday, Jan. 4, 1919. He was born Sept. 28, 1837, in Indiana, and in 1852 his parents, Abner Seelye and wife moved to Oregon, settling in Portland. Later the family moved to Lewis River, where the father of Seth settled on a claim.

Mr. Seelye came to Scholls with his father and together they rented lands, later buying a place. With the death of the parent, Mr. Seelye bought the farm. He was married in 1876 to Miss Hannah Turpin, who died about two years ago. There were no children.

Of his immediate family he is survived by two brothers in the county, George, of Scholls, and Zachariah, of Banks, later moving to the South end of the county.

Published in The Hillsboro Argus (Hillsboro, Oregon), January 9, 1919

Seeley Genealogical Society