Agnes May SEELYE Portland Woman Rites Saturday Funeral services for Agnes May Seelye, 83, who died in Portland, June 25, at the home of a daughter, were Saturday at Jost Funeral home. Mrs. Seelye was born at Hesper, Iowa, Oct. 10, 1876. Survivors include four daughters, Vera Galchut of Portland, Gladys Smail of Lebanon, Margaret Best of The Dalles and Myrtle Moritz of Albany; one son, Harry, of Lebanon; five grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Ruby Bloom of Long Beach. G.L. Henrici, pastor of the North District Jehovah’s Witnesses church of Portland Officiated. Burial was in the Powell Butte cemetery near Lebanon. Published in The Lebanon Express (Lebanon, Oregon) Monday, June 29, 1959 SEELYE – Agnes M., in Portland, formerly of Lebanon; mother of Mrs. Vera Galchutt, Portland; Mrs. Glays Smail, Lebanon; Mrs. Margaret Best, The Dalles, Mrs. Myrtle Moritz, Albany, Ore., and Harry Seelye, of Lebanon; sister of Mrs. Ruby Bloom, Long Beach, Calif. Services Saturday, 2 p.m. Jost Funeral Home, Lebanon. Interment Powell cemetery, Lebanon. Published in the Oregonian (Portland, Oregon) Saturday, June 27, 1959 [Wife of grandson of SGS #2486 - Henry; Thomas Robert; Schubel/Shuble (#2486); Justus (#914); David; Justus; John; Benjamin; Nathaniel; Robert] | ||