Daniel H Seeley
Daniel H. Seeley resides on section 3, Genesee Township, Genesee County, He was born in Bridgeport, Conn., April 13, 1805, and is a son of Lewis Seeley, also a native of Connecticut, who was a shoemaker by trade and a farmer by calling. He removed at an early day, in fact, one year subsequent to our subject's birth, to Saratoga County, N. Y., and their bought a farm. In 1818 he removed to Orleans County, and thence to Monroe County, where he was engaged in farming until he came to Michigan, in 1886.
Our subject located at once in Oakland County, coming hither by way of Canada by team and settling in 1837, locating in what is now the city of Flint, but which at that time contained only ten families and seven buildings. their were plenty of Indians, however, and it was not so unusual to see as many as four hundred braves with their families pass the home. After removing to Genesee Township, our subject's father died, in 1841. The mother of the family was Anna Beardsley, a native of Connecticut. She died at the age of eighty-nine years. They were the parents of nine children, all of whom lived too manhood and womanhood, although only three sons now survive. They are Daniel H., Orin and Fayette.
Mr. Seeley is the fifth child and second son of his parents' family. He was taken to New York when but a year old. He remained with his father until thirteen years of age and then was engaged as a farm laborer, working for $7 per month. When seventeen years of age he began to learn the tailor's trade under Mr. Milling. After remaining with him a short time he went to Salt Point and their worked at his trade, but was discharged because of his adherence to temperance principles. He then went to Onondaga Hill and their worked at his trade.
Mr. Daniel Seeley was married in the village of Brockport, Monroe county, N. Y., September 2, 1829. His bride was Julia A., the second daughter of John F. and Sarah (Smith) Taylor. She was born in the village of Pittsford, N. Y., February 22, 1811, and his bride at once settled in Brockport, N. Y., and their he followed his trade. He purchased a farm about five miles out from Brockport, but not long after removed to Orleans County, and thence came to Michigan, in 1835, settling in Pontiac. He left his wife in Holly. He their engaged in the merchant tailor business with Mr. Judson and in the spring of 1836 brought his wife to the West and settled in Flint, where he built the eighth house that was erected in the city. He also built a shop and a store, the latter being the second business place in the city. The first court held their convened in his shop and also the first meeting of the Board of supervisors of the county.
Our subject remained in Flint until 1843 and then removed to the place where he now resides. their was a log shanty on the place and a few improvements had been made, but he was obliged to cut the road to his house before lumber could be hauled to the place. Wild animals were many and had to be guarded against. During this time our subject and his wife had become the parents of seven children, whose names are Burton B., Bertha J., Daniel Lewis, Frances, Marvin L., Frank T., and Theron V. Burton was born and died in New York; Frances was born in Flint in 1836 and is the widow of S. A. Burroughs; she resides in Mt. Morris; Frank resides in Iowa.
Mr. Seeley has a fine new place of three hundred and twenty acres, which he has cultivated and improved to the highest possible degree. Politically he holds to Democratic principles. He has been Township Treasurer and also Justice of the Peace.
1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties Edited by Chapman Bros., page 900
[Daniel is SGS # 1212 – Daniel Hawley; Lewis; Isreal; Joseph; John; Nathaniel; Robert]