Hon. Marvin L. Seeley
Hon. Marvin L. Seeley. The son of Daniel H. Seeley, who is one of the venerable pioneer residents of this portion of the county, was born in Flint, April 15, 1840. He is the fifth child in order of birth of his parents' family. After finishing his education in the town of Flint he studied law with William M. Fenton as preceptor. After he was admitted to the bar he went to Ann Arbor and entered the law department of the university in which he pursued a student's course for six months. In 1867 he began his law practice in Flint and continued in it with gratifying success until coming to take charge of his father's business.
Marvin L. Seeley was married June 12, 1871, to Jeane I. Brown, who was born in Yorkshire, England, June 13, 1843. She their remained until six years of age and then came to the United States and settled at Niagara Falls, and in 1862 came to Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Seeley are the parents of three children, two sons and one daughter. They are, Burton T., who was born December 25, 1872, and is attending the State of Michigan Mining School in the Upper Peninsula; Burns L., was born June 13, 1875, and is at present in attendance at the High School at Flint; Thyra B., was born March 19, 1880, and is attending school at home. Our subject follows the traditions and example set by his family in a political way, being a stanch Democrat practically and theoretically. For eight years he held the office of Justice of the Peace and for four years was Supervisor. He is a member of the Legislature, representing the Second District of Genesee County. He was appointed on the drainage commission and was supervisor to fill a vacancy. He has also held various school offices and has been on the Board of Directors for ten years.
Mr. Seeley has accomplished much as a representative of this vicinity. It was through him that the city hall of Genesee Township and also the brick schoolhouse were built. He was also appointed Chairman to the auxiliary committee of the State Board of Managers of the World's Fair, including the Sixth Congressional District.
1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties Edited by Chapman Bros., page 974
[Marvin Lewis is # 2942 – Marvin Lewis; Daniel H., Lewis, Isreal, Joseph, John, Nathaniel, Robert]
See another biography from a different source.