What might be in a directory?
Is my ancestor going to be found in a directory?Not necessarily. The early directories included people with trades. This doesn't mean just businesses and shops, but anyone with a recognised trade, such as a farmer, a sawyer, a teacher, or a dress maker working from home. Apprentices and laborers were seldom included, although in the later post 1900 directories, that had street listings of people in major towns, such people were included. In any case, only the head of household was listed in a directory, not wives or children, and not lodgers. |
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona |
Arkansas | California | Colorado |
Connecticut | Delaware | Florida |
Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho |
Illinois | Indiana | Iowa |
Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana |
Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts |
Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi |
Missouri | Montana | Nebraska |
Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey |
New Mexico | New York | North Carolina |
North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma |
Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island |
South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee |
Texas | Utah | Vermont |
Virginia | Washington | West Virginia |
Wisconsin | Wyoming |