1840 New Haven, CT
1841 New Haven, CT
1842 New Haven, CT
1860 New Haven, CT
1867-1868 Bridgeport, CT
1871 South Norwalk, CT
1873-1874 Meriden City, CT
1874-1875 Bridgeport, CT
1874 Business Directory, CT
1874-1875 Meriden City, CT
1876 Hartford City, CT
1876 Meriden City, CT
1878 New Haven City, CT
1882 Hartford City, CT
1882 Meriden, CT
1889 Hartford City, CT
1889 Meriden City, CT
1890 Hartford City, CT
1890 Meriden, CT
1891 Bristol, Terryville, Plainville, CT
1891 Meriden, CT
1892 Hartford City, CT
1893-1894 Torrington, CT
1893 New Haven City, CT
1894-1895 Great Barrington, CT
1894 New London City, CT
1894 Waterbury Naugatuck, CT
1895 Bridgeport City, CT
1896-1897 Norwalk City, CT
1896 Hartford City, CT
1897 Hartford City, CT
1898 New London City, CT
1898 Waterbury & Naugatuck, CT
1898 Hartford City, CT
1899 Hartford City, CT
1900 Greenwich City, CT
1900 New Haven City, CT
1900 Norwalk City, CT
1900-1901 Winsted, CT
1900-1901 Torrington, CT
1901 Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, & Seymour, CT
1903 Meriden City, CT
1903 New London, CT
1904 Norwich City, CT
1906-1907 Bristol Plainville & Terryville, CT
1906 Hartford City, CT
1907 Bridgeport Stratford Fairfield & Southport, CT
1907 Stamford City, CT
1908 Bridgeport, Stratford, Fairfield & Southport, CT
1908 New Haven City, CT
1908 New London, CT
1908 Waterbury City, CT
1909 Hartford City, CT
1909 New London City, CT
1909 Putnam City, CT
1910 Waterbury, Naugatuck & Watertown, CT
1912 Derby Directory, CT
1912 New Haven City, CT
1913 Hartford City, CT
1913 Meriden, CT
1913 Wallingford, CT
1913 Waterbury, Naugatuck & Watertown, CT
1913-1914 Bristol Plainville & Terryville, CT
1914 Waterbury, Naugatuck & Watertown, CT
1915 New Britain City, CT
1915 Norwalk City, CT
1915 Stamford City, CT
1915-1916 Torrington, CT
1915-1916 Bristol Plainville & Terryville, CT
1916 New Marlboro, CT
1916 Stockbridge, CT
1916 Waterbury, Naugatuck & Watertown, CT
1916-1918 Great Barrington, CT
1918 Ansonia Derby Shelton & Seymour, CT
1918 New Haven, CT
1918-1919 Danbury & Bethel, CT
1919 Bridgeport Statford Fairfield & Southport, CT
1919 Harford City, CT
1920 Meriden, CT
1920 Milford, CT
1921 Danbury Bethel, CT
1921 New Bedford & Fairhaven, CT
1922 Waterbury, Naugatuck & Watertown, CT
1922 Torrington, CT
1923 Ansonia Derby Shelton & Seymour, CT
1923 Bristol Plainville & Terryville, CT
1923 Hartford City, CT
1923 New Haven, CT
1924 Bristol Plainville & Terryville, CT
1924 East Hartford, CT
1924 Milford & Orange, CT
1924 Wallingford City, CT
1925 New Britain City, CT
1925 Norwalk, CT
1925 Westerly & Pawcatuck, CT
1926 Ansonia Derby Shelton & Seymour, CT
1926 Bridgeport Stratford Fairfield & Southport, CT
1926 Danbury Bethel, CT
1926 New Britain, CT
1926 New London & Groton, CT
1927 Waterbury Naugatuck & Watertown, CT
1928 Stamford, CT
1928 Hartford, CT
1928-1929 Greenwich, CT
1929 Ansonia Derby Shelton & Seymour, CT
1929 Milford Orange, CT
1929 New London, Waterford, Groton, CT
1929 Westport, Saugatuck, Green Farms, CT
1929-1930 Mystic Stonington & Noank, CT
1929-1931 Great Barrington, CT
1929-1931 Stockbridge, CT
1930 Norwalk, CT
1930 Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, Goshen, CT
1930 Bristol, Plainville & Terryville, CT
1930-1931 Greenwich, CT
1931 Danbury Bethel, CT
1931 New Britain Newington, CT
1931 Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, & Goshen, CT
1932 Darien, Noroton, Noroton Heights, New Canaan, CT
1932 New Haven, CT
1932 Norwich Oxford & Sherburne, CT
1932 Norwich, Oxford & Sherburne, CT
1933 Ansonia, Derby, Shelton & Seymour, CT
1934 Darien, Noroton, Noroton Heights, CT
1934 Ansonia, Derby, Shelton & Seymour, CT
1934 Greenwich, Groton, CT
1934 New Britain, CT
1934 New Haven, West Haven, East Haven, North Haven,& Hamden, CT
1934 New London, Waterford, Borough of Groton, CT
1935 Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, & Seymour, CT
1935 New Britain, CT
1935 Stamford, Darien, Norotn, Noroton Heights, New Canaan, CT
1935 Westport, Saugatuck, Green Farms, Weston, Wilton, CT
1935 Norwalk, CT
1936 Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, & Seymour, CT
1937 Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, & Seymour, CT
1937 Bristol, Plainville & Terryville, CT
1937 Milford Orange, CT
1937 New London, Waterford, & Borough of Groton, CT
1937 Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, & Goshen, CT
1939 Danbury Bethel, CT
1939 Greater Hartford, CT
1940 New Haven, West Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, CT
1942 Milford Orange City, CT
1944 Stamford, CT
1945 Danbury Bethel, CT
1946 Middletown, Portland City, CT
1946 Norwalk, CT
1947 Danbury Bethel, CT
1947 Manchester, CT
1947 Wallingford, CT
1948 Middletown, Portland, Cromwell City, CT
1948 Norwalk, CT
1949 Greenwich, Cos Cob, Riverside, Old Greenwich, Byram, CT
1949 New London, Waterford, & Borough of Groton, CT
1950 Greater Hartford, CT
1951 Darien, New Canaan, CT
1952 Greenwich, Cos Cob, Riverside, Old Greenwich, Byram, CT
1953 Greenwich, Cos Cob, Riverside, Old Greenwich, Byram, CT
1953 Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, & Goshen, CT
1954 Bristol, Plainville, Terryville City, CT
1954 New London, Waterford, & Borough of Groton, CT
1954 Stamford, CT
1955 Danbury Bethel, CT
1955 Milford Orange, CT
1956 The Hartford Directory, CT
1956 Watertown, Midlebury, Thomaston, CT
1957 Norwalk, CT
1957-1958 South Berkshire, CT
1958 Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, & Goshen, CT
1958 Waterbury & Naugatuck, CT
1958-1959 Manchester, CT
1959 Danbury Bethel, CT
1959 Darien, Noroton, Noroton Heights, New Canaan, CT
1959 Greenwich, CT
1959 Groton City, CT
1959 Greater New haven, CT
1959-1960 Brunswick, CT
1961 The Hartford, CT
1961 Stamford, CT
1962 Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, Seymore, CT
1962 Milford and Orange, CT
1963 Darien-New Canaan, CT
1963 Guilford (New Haven County, Conn.) City, CT
1964 Waterbury, CT
1965 Darien, Noroton, Noroton Heights, CT
1965 Groton City, CT
1965 New London, Niantic, Waterford, CT
1965 Norwalk, CT
1965 Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, & Goshen, CT
1967 New Haven, West Haven, East Haven, Woodbridge, CT
1967 Stamford, CT
1976 Westport City, CT