GEDCOM and other electronic submissions.
If you want to submit materials to the society on computer disk, we can read most “IBM” or “MS-DOS” disks in text files, or good word processing programs (just let us know what program you used). We use Microsoft Word for Windows. A “GEDCOM” file from genealogy programs is welcome. Also include your note files for documentation.

Paper form submissions.
We accept paper-based submissions. Our requirements are good quality, i.e. legibility and standard size paper.

Here are some sample Pedigree and Family Group Sheets in PDF format:

Pedigree Form    Family Group Sheets

Adobe Reader

Seeley Genealogical Society
1105 N. Buckeye
Abilene, KS 67410-0337

We can accept e-mailed files as attachments, that are in an acceptable format, as listed above (Preferably GEDCOM or PAF).

4membership [at] seeley-society [dot] net

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