Mark Seely FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MARK SEELY Funeral services for Mark Seely were held at 2 o’clock p.m. Tuesday in Hollingsworth chapel in Newberg. Mr. Seely was a native of the Sherwood community and had lived here during the 63 years of his life. MARK SEELY Mark Seely was born October 7, 1875, at the farm home near Mulloy, where he grew to manhood. He was the second son of Bem and Mary Seely. In October, 1901, he was united in marriage with Lucy Stone Todd. To this union five daughters were born. His wife and daughter Ruth preceded him in death. He passed away while asleep early in the morning on March 19, 1939, at the home of his daughter, near Tigard. At the time of his decease he was 63 years 5 months and 12 days of age. Left to mourn his passing are four daughters: Lubelle Scheerling, Tigard; Georgia Heimbach, Sheridan; Hazel Weaver, Salem; Helen Heck, Tule Lake, Calif.; three grandchildren: Arnold Mark Heimbach, Shirley and Florence Heck; three brothers: Fred and Edd, of Sherwood, and Arthur of Wilsonville; fours sisters: Arabelle Bahler, of Bandon, Alpha Krause, Pearl Snyder and Roma Murray, or Sherwood; besides many other relatives and a host of friends. Published in the Sherwood Valley News (Sherwood, Washington County, Oregon) Thursday, March 23, 1939 [Great-grandson of Bishop SGS # 3052 – Mark; Joseph Benjamin; Lucius Alexander; Bishop (#3052); Stephen Bishop (#1323); John; John S; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah] | ||